A Clear Path to Faithful Discipleship.

Receive the step-by-step training and support you need to not only reignite your Catholic faith, but to develop lasting habits and become a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ 

A clear path to faithful discipleship.

Receive the step-by-step training and support you need to not only reignite your Catholic

faith, but to develop lasting habits and become a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ 


  • Are you a Catholic who struggles to maintain consistent spiritual disciplines and grow deeper in your faith?
  • Do you feel lost or disconnected from the Lord, unsure of how to reignite devotion in your heart?
  • Have you tried time and again to develop lasting holy habits, only to fall back into old patterns of inconsistency?
  • Are you longing for a supportive community that can guide you step-by-step towards becoming a truly committed disciple of Christ?
  • Do you desire to move beyond surface-level faith and dive into the transformative journey of faithful Catholic discipleship?

If it does, then this was made for you...


The Way of Disciples

The Way of Disciples  is a training platform and community for Catholics who are tired of being stagnant in their faith and ready to become disciplined, faithful disciples of Jesus Christ according to Catholic Tradition.

Through a practical and proven step-by-step path you will be shown the way to give (or renew) your "yes" to Christ, overcome habitual sin, consistently practice interior prayer, grow in holiness, craft a rule of life, and become a missionary disciple!

The Way of Disciples Will Help You...

Order your life around Jesus Christ and place God at the center of everything

Develop and keep a consistent prayer routine modeled after many of the Saints

Overcome the habitual sin in your life and grow in both virtue and holiness

Become a faithful Catholic who doesn't just "know" the faith but lives it out daily too

Discern God's will in your life and have the strength and motivation to follow it

Grow in confidence as a Catholic, who is not afraid to live and share the faith with others

Meet The Founder

Hi, my name is Taylor Engel - also known as "The Catechism Guy" - and I'm, first and foremost, a blessed husband and father of five children.

Though raised in the Catholic Faith, as I went into my adult years I didn't see how Christ or His Church had any serious relevance in my life beyond the practice of "going to church" on Sundays.

I was the classic lukewarm Catholic.

After having what I consider a very real encounter with the Risen Jesus, my life immediately began to take a different direction. I began to hungrily study the Catholic Faith, and since then have been doing all that is possible to order my life around Jesus Christ and His Church. 

In response to the many graces of God, I've been blessed to have spent the last 10 years of my life serving full-time in a variety of catechetical and evangelical ministries in the Catholic Church.

I founded The Way of Disciples out of a deep desire to help other Catholics overcome a similar lukewarmness and become the joy-filled faithful disciples Christ calls them to be!

"Taylor has always had a gift to transmit the complexity of the teachings of the Church into a way that is understandable and interesting. Being blessed to hear Taylor at various ministry events, in videos, and podcasts, I always find myself learning new things about my faith or learning new ways to share the teachings of the Church in a way that makes sense to me and others."

Gerrick Gamboa

Husband, Father, Youth Minister

"Having not been much of a practicing Catholic for most of my young adult life, listening to Taylor’s work and receiving his encouragement have been such a benefit to my Catholic journey. He breaks things down to a level I can understand, where a lot of books I've read and homilies I've heard can be overbearing at times. My Catholic journey has truly taken a turn for the best in large part due to Taylor's teaching."

Xavier Laguerta

Husband & Father of Five

"Taylor Engel is very knowledgeable about the Catholic faith. He is able to apply his knowledge of history and the meaning of the original words in order to give users of TWOD a deeper understanding of a particular concept, such as the meaning of Discipleship. He is able to structure a very complex spiritual path into a rational and comprehensive experience. His use of language is clear and direct, and makes the lessons easy to understand, follow, and apply. The creation of TWOD is the accomplishment of a lifetime!"

Izabela Ciesinska 

Author & Illustrator of The Little Donkey and God’s Big Plan

"Taylor has the ability to take a very complex theological topic and relate it in terms that others can understand and appreciate. He has not just studied about our Catholic faith but practices it through his everyday living... it is someone like Taylor who shows us who the living Christ is today."

Deacon Eric Summerfield

Diocese of Orange

"Taylor is a well-spoken faith-filled man who loves his faith well. He is great at articulating and explaining the Catechism of the Catholic Church. What may have been daunting and overwhelming to me has now become something I’m excited to hear and learn about more. Taylor’s desire to learn and his knowledge is infectious."


Podcast Listener

All Members Get Access To:


Our roadmap will guide you through a practical and proven step-by-step path to become a more faithful disciple of Jesus Christ according to Catholic Tradition. 

Laid out in six sequential stages, each stage of the roadmap contains anywhere from 5-8 video lessons, with each lesson containing practical resources and action steps to help you take the next step in your faith journey.

The Six Stages of the Discipleship Roadmap:

Stage 1: Responding to the Call of Jesus Christ

Stage 2: Overcoming the Sin in Your Life

Stage 3: Growing in Holiness

Stage 4: Becoming a Disciplined Disciple

Stage 5: Crafting a Rule of Life

Stage 6: Living as a Missionary Disciple

*Note: Refer to FAQ below regarding what stages are immediately available upon signing up


We have an ever-growing library of practical workshops that help members put Christ at the center of their lives. Releasing a new workshop every month, these workshops are quick training videos around the topics of prayer, self-mastery, formation, and relationships.

Some of our current workshops include, but are not limited to:  (1) 3 Ways to Better Participate at Mass (Even Before Arriving), (2) How to Trust God in Times of Difficulty, (3) The Heroic Minute, (4) What the Early Church Believed About the Eucharist, (5) How to Respond to the "Catholics Worship Mary" Claim, and much more!


You don’t become holy by merely studying how to grow in holiness. It happens through living, doing, and loving. However, it can be challenging at times to figure out what to do next to take the next step in your spiritual growth.

That's why every month inside the community is dedicated to a specific virtue in the Christian Life. And to help you grow in the virtue of each month we offer both optional monthly challenges and practical resources. 


Are you wanting to read more Catholic books but don't know which books to read or don't want to do it alone? Every 3 months our members nominate and vote on a new Catholic book to read as a community, and we have a dedicated space in our community forum for active discussion.


As a member, you will have access to our ever-growing library of Catholic eBooks to use for study and spiritual reading. These eBooks include Bibles, Bible Commentaries, Saints' writings, Christian Classics, Church Documents, Lives of the Saints, Papal Writings, and more.


Our community forum is at the heart of The Way of Disciples and is the place to go for asking questions, sharing your thoughts, requesting prayer, participating in our book club, and getting to know other like-minded Catholics. You can also participate in our Discussion of the Week and share what you'd like to see added to the community.

...All of this and more ONLY inside The Way of Disciples

All Members Get Access To:


Our roadmap will guide you through a practical and proven step-by-step path to become a more faithful disciple of Jesus Christ according to Catholic Tradition. 

Laid out in six sequential stages, each stage of the roadmap contains anywhere from 5-8 video lessons, with each lesson containing practical resources and action steps to help you take the next step in your faith journey.

The Six Stages of the Discipleship Roadmap:

Stage 1: Responding to the Call of Jesus Christ

Stage 2: Overcoming the Sin in Your Life

Stage 3: Growing in Holiness

Stage 4: Becoming a Disciplined Disciple

Stage 5: Crafting a Rule of Life

Stage 6: Living as a Missionary Disciple

*Note: Refer to FAQ below regarding what stages are immediately available upon signing up


We have an ever-growing library of practical workshops that help members put Christ at the center of their lives. Releasing a new workshop every month, these workshops are quick training videos around the topics of prayer, self-mastery, formation, and relationships.

Some of our current workshops include, but are not limited to:  (1) 3 Ways to Better Participate at Mass (Even Before Arriving), (2) How to Trust God in Times of Difficulty, (3) The Heroic Minute, (4) What the Early Church Believed About the Eucharist, (5) How to Respond to the "Catholics Worship Mary" Claim, and much more!


You don’t become holy by merely studying how to grow in holiness. It happens through living, doing, and loving. However, it can be challenging at times to figure out what to do next to take the next step in your spiritual growth.

That's why every month inside the community is dedicated to a specific virtue in the Christian Life. And to help you grow in the virtue of each month we offer both optional monthly challenges and practical resources. 


Are you wanting to read more Catholic books but don't know which books to read or don't want to do it alone? Every 3 months our members nominate and vote on a new Catholic book to read as a community, and we have a dedicated space in our community forum for active discussion.


As a member, you will have access to our ever-growing library of Catholic eBooks to use for study and spiritual reading. These eBooks include Bibles, Bible Commentaries, Saints' writings, Christian Classics, Church Documents, Lives of the Saints, Papal Writings, and more.


Our community forum is at the heart of The Way of Disciples and is the place to go for asking questions, sharing your thoughts, requesting prayer, participating in our book club, and getting to know other like-minded Catholics. You can also participate in our Discussion of the Week and share what you'd like to see added to the community.

...All of this and more ONLY inside The Way of Disciples

What People Are Saying...

The Way of Disciples is one of the most valuable Catholic resources on the internet...

The Way of Disciples is one of the most valuable Catholic resources on the internet. It is an easy to navigate platform that gives new and practicing Catholics and Christians a deeper immersion and understanding of the faith. I see its users returning to the offered lessons and challenges several times in order to deepen their Discipleship.

Izabela Ciesinska //  Author & Illustrator of The Little Donkey and God’s Big Plan

I can see The Way of Disciples platform as the go-to for people...

The Catechism Guy has created a robust platform that will not only help you engage and receive a deeper understanding of your faith, but fall in love with it. I can see the The Way of Disciples platform as the go-to for people seeking to grow, challenge, and engage with their faith. This platform is critical and necessary for our times and years to come.

Monica Anyango //  Mother, Author, Entrepreneur

I've always known Taylor to be genuine, authentic, and passionate...

I've always known Taylor to be genuine, authentic, and passionate about sharing the beauty of the Catholic faith. He gets so excited delving into and grappling with the difficult questions, knowing that his audience is probably asking the same things. Thank you Taylor for your ministry and for your desire to journey with others to know and love Christ more fully.

Leo Mendoza //  Husband, Father, Catholic High School Teacher

The Way of Disciples provides an excellent community...

When thinking about living the Catholic Faith more fully, it can be intimidating to know where to start or even how to go about it at all. The Way of Disciples provides an excellent community and user friendly website with videos, opportunities to discuss, and other tools to truly make it easy for people to start or continue their journey of living their Catholic Faith.

Kristen Gamboa //  Wife & Mother





"A Catholic Introduction to the Bible" - Video Course

In this course we take a thorough look at Sacred Scripture and its role in the life of the Church in light of Catholic Tradition.

The lessons in this course include:

Lesson 1: Jesus Christ, the Word of God

Lesson 2: Biblical Inspiration & Inerrancy

Lesson 3: Interpreting the Bible

Lesson 4: The Senses of Scripture

Lesson 5: The Canon of Scripture


"Can the Human Mind Discover God?" - Video Course

In this course, we consider the human search for meaning and how human nature is created with the capacity to share in God’s own life.

The lessons in this course include:

Lesson 1: Our Desire for God

Lesson 2: Ways of Coming to Know God

Lesson 3: Weakness of Human Knowledge

Lesson 4: How Can We Speak of God?


"Has God Revealed Himself?" - Video Course

In this course we examine the mystery of Divine Revelation—God’s free decision to supernaturally reveal Himself to man—and the manner in which Divine Revelation is transmitted from Christ to the apostles to all nations. 

The lessons in this course include:

Lesson 1: God's Plan of Loving Goodness

Lesson 2: Stages of Revelation

Lesson 3: Private Revelation

Lesson 4: The Apostolic Tradition

Lesson 5: Sacred Tradition & Sacred Scripture

Lesson 6: The Magisterium of the Church


"An Intro to the Catechism of the Catholic Church" - Video Course

In this course we review everything you need to know about the Catechism of the Catholic Church, including the story behind its development, whether it should be described as a theological or catechetical text, the ‘why’ of its structure, practical tips for its use, and much more!

The lessons in this course include:

Lesson 1: The Story Behind the Catechism

Lesson 2: Catechesis or Theology?

Lesson 3: The Genius Composition of the Catechism Pt. 1

Lesson 4: The Genius Composition of the Catechism Pt. 2

Lesson 5: Practical Tips for Using the Catechism

Get Instant Access to the Way of Disciples!

If you're ready to take your faith to the next level and become a more faithful disciple by enrolling in The Way of Disciples, simply choose your payment option below and click the button to join us...



Per Month

Gain access to all the following community and content:

  • Step-by-Step Discipleship Roadmap
  • Library of Practical Workshops
  • "Virtue of the Month" Challenges
  • Quarterly Catholic Book Club
  • Library of Catholic eBooks
  • Community Forum
  • Bonus #1: "A Catholic Intro to the Bible" Video Course
  • Bonus #2: "Can the Human Mind Discover God?" Video Course
  • Bonus #3: "Has God Revealed Himself?" Video Course
  • Bonus #4: "An Intro to the Catechism of the Catholic Church" Video Course

Recurring payment - cancel anytime in just

2 clicks of your mouse
Hassle-free 30-day money back guarantee



Per Year

BEST VALUE: Enroll for just $22.50/mo when you join on an annual subscription!

  • Step-by-Step Discipleship Roadmap
  • Library of Practical Workshops
  • "Virtue of the Month" Challenges
  • Quarterly Catholic Book Club
  • Library of Catholic eBooks
  • Community Forum
  • Bonus #1: "A Catholic Intro to the Bible" Video Course
  • Bonus #2: "Can the Human Mind Discover God?" Video Course
  • Bonus #3: "Has God Revealed Himself?" Video Course
  • Bonus #4: "An Intro to the Catechism of the Catholic Church" Video Course

Recurring payment - cancel anytime in just

2 clicks of your mouse

Hassle-free 30-day money back guarantee

All prices in US Dollars

30-Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee

When you join The Way of Disciples you are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. If you don't feel like you've received value and you decide you want to cancel any time within the next 30 days, just let us know and we'll send you a prompt refund. No hassles, headaches or hoops to jump through.

We're confident that you'll find The Way of Disciples useful, and we won't make you beg or invoke any silly rules or conditions - if you're not satisfied within your first 30 days then we'll refund you without any fuss.

Not Sure if The Way of Disciples is Right For You?

Not Sure if The Way of Disciples is Right For You?


Is for

  • Lifelong Catholics who are tired of going through the motions and are ready to truly place Jesus Christ and His Church at the center of their lives
  • Catholics who are overwhelmed by all the "Catholic Resources" out there and are looking for a clear path to overcome sin and grow in holiness
  • Catholics who are sick of having a shallow prayer life and are ready to learn how the Saints obtained deeper intimacy and consistency in prayer
  • Catholics who feel overburdened by all the responsibilities of their state in life and are longing for a way to greater order and peace in their lives
  • Recent converts to Catholicism who are hungry for more, and ready to keep growing, even after completing RCIA



  • Catholics who are content with being nominally Catholic but don't really care about growing in holiness and becoming a saint 
  • Catholics who are only interested in winning intellectual "arguments" and who have no interest in experiencing real interior transformation
  • Persons who already have it all together, have no more room to grow in their spiritual life, and are model disciples for the rest of us
  • Someone expecting a silver bullet for their faith and who is unwilling to make the necessary changes in their lives to experience transformation
  • Persons who have no interest in becoming more disciplined and living a life in imitation of Jesus Christ

Frequently Asked Questions

So, you have questions? Let us try to answer those for you...

Absolutely! I wouldn’t have created it if it didn't!


The Way of Disciples truly exists to provide Catholics (like you) who are tired of being lukewarm, inconsistent, or lost in their faith with a go-to resource to become an everyday, faithful disciple of Jesus Christ.


Though every persons path to holiness is different, the Lord calls each one of us to be his faithful disciples. And to do so it is necessary for us to take up particular disciplines and to live our lives in a way that is different from the world.  Unfortunately, most Catholics brought up in the Church have not been mentored in this way of discipleship. And our mission here is to change that.


Through carefully-crafted formation, training, and support you will be guided, as a member of The Way of Disciples, to live as a faithful Catholic and disciple of Jesus Christ in your own life.

As you may know, The Way of Disciples is still a new initiative—we just launched! And we're super excited to potentially have you as one of our founding members!


However, this means that the content library of The Way of Disciples is still growing (and always will)!


That said, we already have plenty of content available to help you grow!


Now available:

  • Stage 1 of the Discipleship Roadmap*
  • 8 Workshops
  • 4 Bonus Courses
  • A Library of Downloadable Catholic eBooks
  • Monthly Virtues/Challenges
  • Community Forum (including Book Club)

*Stage 2-6 are in production and will be released on a monthly basis (i.e., Stage 2 in June 2024, Stage 3 in July 2024, etc.)



All the stages, courses, and workshops inside The Way of Disciples are in keeping with the teaching of the Catholic Church as expounded within the Catechism of the Catholic Church. You will not find anything in our content in opposition to definitive Church teaching.


That said, our team works hard to ensure that The Way of Disciples is faithful to the teaching authority of the Catholic Church.


Profession of Faith

We, at The Way of Disciples, with firm faith believe and profess each and everything that is contained in the Symbol of faith, namely:


I believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is, seen and unseen. I believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, of one Being with the Father. Through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation, he came down from heaven: by the power of the Holy Spirit he became incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered death and was buried. On the third day he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures; he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son. With the Father and the Son he is worshipped and glorified. He has spoken through the Prophets. I believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church. I acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.


With firm faith, I also believe everything contained in the word of God, whether written or handed down in Tradition, which the Church, either by a solemn judgment or by the ordinary and universal Magisterium, sets forth to be believed as divinely revealed.


I also firmly accept and hold each and everything definitively proposed by the Church regarding teaching on faith and morals.


Moreover, I adhere with religious submission of will and intellect to the teachings which either the Roman Pontiff or the College of Bishops enunciate when they exercise their authentic Magisterium, even if they do not intend to proclaim these teachings by a definitive act.


In this role, I promise that in my words and in my actions I shall always preserve communion with the Catholic Church.


With great care and fidelity I shall carry out the duties incumbent on me toward the Church, both universal and particular, in which, according to the provisions of the law, I have been called to exercise my service.


In fulfilling the charge entrusted to me in the name of the Church, I shall hold fast to the deposit of faith in its entirety; I shall faithfully hand it on and explain it, and I shall avoid any teachings contrary to it.


I shall follow and foster the common discipline of the entire Church and I shall maintain the observance of all ecclesiastical laws, especially those contained in the Code of Canon Law.


With Christian obedience I shall follow what the Bishops, as authentic doctors and teachers of the faith, declare, or what they, as those who govern the Church, establish. I shall also faithfully assist the diocesan Bishops, so that the apostolic activity, exercised in the name and by mandate of the Church, may be carried out in communion with the Church.


May God help us in this way.

Yes! You can cancel any time... and in just two clicks!


Some websites or subscriptions try to trick you. Or worse, they make it impossible to cancel—you have to get on the phone and talk to a sales person, or fill out a detailed form that’s hard to find, or you have to email someone and wait several days, etc.


But I really don't like those kinds of subscriptions (and I know you don't either.) That’s why inside The Way of Disciples, you can cancel at any time, by yourself, with just two clicks.


Watch this video to see how easy it is:

You sure can! You can upgrade to an annual membership any time with a couple of clicks from your account page. Our system will automatically take into account the time left on your current subscription, so you'll never be double charged either.

Yes! If you are a bishop, priest, religious brother or sister, or seminarian, please contact us at support@wayofdisciples.com and we would be happy to get you set up with a FREE Way of Disciples account as a thank you for your service to the Church.

Get Instant Access to the Way of Disciples!

If you're ready to take your faith to the next level and become a more faithful disciple by enrolling in The Way of Disciples, simply choose your payment option below and click the button to join us...



Per Month

Gain access to all the following community and content:

  • Step-by-Step Discipleship Roadmap
  • Library of Practical Workshops
  • "Virtue of the Month" Challenges
  • Quarterly Catholic Book Club
  • Library of Catholic eBooks
  • Community Forum
  • Bonus #1: "A Catholic Intro to the Bible" Video Course
  • Bonus #2: "Can the Human Mind Discover God?" Video Course
  • Bonus #3: "Has God Revealed Himself?" Video Course
  • Bonus #4: "An Intro to the Catechism of the Catholic Church" Video Course

Recurring payment - cancel anytime in just

2 clicks of your mouse
Hassle-free 30-day money back guarantee



Per Year

BEST VALUE: Enroll for just $22.50/mo when you join on an annual subscription!

  • Step-by-Step Discipleship Roadmap
  • Library of Practical Workshops
  • "Virtue of the Month" Challenges
  • Quarterly Catholic Book Club
  • Library of Catholic eBooks
  • Community Forum
  • Bonus #1: "A Catholic Intro to the Bible" Video Course
  • Bonus #2: "Can the Human Mind Discover God?" Video Course
  • Bonus #3: "Has God Revealed Himself?" Video Course
  • Bonus #4: "An Intro to the Catechism of the Catholic Church" Video Course

Recurring payment - cancel anytime in just

2 clicks of your mouse

Hassle-free 30-day money back guarantee

All prices in US Dollars

© 2024 The Catechism Guy
